I thought, since I'm not currently creating music but have no musical presence here, I should at least upload the shortest track I ever created. This was back in 2012, I think. As always, first takes only. Minimal processing. Minimal care and attention :( Ahh, I remember it like it was yesterday...
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:1.5 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:0
License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Welcome aboard!
Short indeed, but a clean and natural sounding piece.
Your voice is in fine form here. I really enjoyed this...
BUT it leaves me wanting more!
Since your not making music now I guess I'll have to deal with going through withdrawals...
Lol. Sounds nice! So nice, I'll listen to it twice! It really is nice in all 48 seconds of its glory. Nice progression, nice vocals, nice arrangement. Nice! I got stuck on the word nice, sorry. But this was great!
Wow! Thanks guys. I'm humbled.
Yes, I've been accused of having a little Hitchcock about me, and it's an accusation I like.
And yes, I was probably channeling a little Syd Barrett along the way (and why not) :)
Let me see if I have any other old songs in my stash...