Music » Jazz » mre » Song
Summer Waltz
by   mre
Song information
Long ago I had a student who had this name, I only knew her for a time but made a connection during open door lunchtimes in the music room. She was trying to play the famous song from Titanic on the piano but was stuck on a certain note. I showed her how not to get stuck and off she went. Years later I was at a composition workshop and these chords were assigned for homework; this song was the result:
Released: 05-Feb-2024
Category: Jazz
Application: GarageBand
File type: m4a
File size: 7.7 Mb
Plays: 27
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Summer Waltz (changes)

Cm7       Dm7       Cm7       Bbm7

Am7       Bbmaj7    Am7       D7b9

Gm7        Gm/F      Em7b5     A7b9

Dmaj9      Eb9       Dmaj7#11   Db7b9   :||
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Diatonic and lots of space to work with here. Jazz waltz is a favorite. Nice production.
7 months ago
This is very well played and mixed. Lead guitar and trumpet really stand out and it's great having that chord chart there.
Latest song: University
7 months ago
I love a good jazz waltz. This is so good. Lovely horn playing.
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
No music can beat good jazz And this is one good jazzing piece of music Well enjoyed :)
7 months ago
Nice piece!
7 months ago
Wow, that trumpet ! So well sustained by that jazz guitar and that bass. Really well done.
7 months ago
Wish I could do jazz... Or even blues... but alas ... Nevertheless, I always enjoy listening to those who do it and do it well! Bravo friend! 👌👍👏😋
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
@Daugrin @Venturesome @KennethLavrsen @yoslounge @Grathy @thsantac @Wyndsok Thank you all for your comments and taking the time to listen to my piece. It's nice to feel that my music is appreciated!
Latest song: Three Cuballeros
7 months ago
Yeah this is nice. The trumpet sounds excellent. All the pieces come together nicely. Good jazz.
Latest song: Fare Well
7 months ago
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