Music » R&B » Venturesome » Song
Keep Yourself Together Newly Remixed And Mastered Version
by   Venturesome   and   Toveco
Song information
At several folk's recommendation, here is the newly updated version of the tune. I say may Toveco and his abilities be blessed for the work he has done here. For more information and lyrics, please see the first post of this song.
Released: 09-Feb-2024
Category: R&B
Application: Studio One
File type: mp3
File size: 7.7 Mb
Plays: 19
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Much better now :-) Tom did it again !
7 months ago
Mark, Happy I could help Thank you Thierry :)
Enjoyed!! Great mix.
7 months ago
Bright & Clear vocals are great ..
7 months ago
The music is outstanding. The vocals sound more like a feature. I like the song. It’s getting to be a workhorse.
7 months ago
Very fine. Nice production and vocals,
Latest song: June Wedding
7 months ago
This is a very well written song. And the performance of guitars, bass, everything really good. As always a splendid vocal. I had not heard the first version so I listen to that also before returning to write this comment. And wow what a difference in sound. It all opens up and becomes deep. Like a transformation from 2D to 3D. Really super job with the mixing/mastering
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
The original was just fine. However, Tom has a way of making the fine even finer. Enjoyed again! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‹
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
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