Music » Rock » thsantac » Song
Sound Patchwork - Part 1
Song information
This is the first part of a prog-rock instrumental two-part series, not really pure rock but there is no prog-rock genre to select.

The name of this series clearly indicates that we will be dealing with a succession of passages unrelated to each other (well, almost).

I know this genre is generally not greatly appreciated and reserved to a small audience but I have always been a great fan of prog-rock.

Let me know :-)

Released: 02-Mar-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 19.9 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Really enjoyed my listen. Loved the quirky ending!!
6 months ago
Awesome orchestration Thierry ...
6 months ago
Wonderful flow to this.
6 months ago
I really enjoyed every patch in this work. Wonderful themes. Beautiful arrangements. Huge complement from fellow prog rock fan. Looking forward to part 2
Latest song: Strange Love
6 months ago
@deezee @yoslounge @Grathy @KennethLavrsen 
Thanks a lot for all your kind comments. Seems like this one did not reached its audience. Maybe the length ? the title ? the genre ? the day I uploaded it ? Don't know, will never know... you can't please every time :-)
6 months ago
Sometime some listeners miss on good tunes 
But it doesn't change the fact that it is a really good tune as is the most case of your posts Thierry personally I enjoy the fine and creative 
Meaningful music 🎼 you do 
6 months ago
@yoslounge You always bring the warmth of Maroco's sun to my heart Omar :-)
6 months ago
I love prog too Thierry. This one is prog with a heavy 80s vibe, which works really well here.
Really dig your synth leads and stabs! Piano work is outstanding as per usual.
Another winner!
By the way, it's NOT too long when it's this GOOD!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
6 months ago
@Wyndsok Thanks Mike for listening and commenting. Always appreciate your kind words my friend.
6 months ago
You are simply a great storyteller. It's a great pleasure to listen to. [And now on to the second part...]
Latest song: Siegerlaune
6 months ago
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