Music » Pop » jgurner » Song
Too Deep (RPM 2024)
by   jgurner
Song information
This is the second song from my 2024 RPM Challenge EP Quiet Puzzle. Still very much 80s-esque synth pop, but moving in a more moody direction. This was actually the first song I came up with for the project.

It actually started out as a song about conspiracy theories, but as I got into it I realized how similar it can be falling for a crazy conspiracy theory and falling for the wrong person. It all starts with a beautiful lie and usually ends with you alone.

Kind of dark stuff I guess, but to me it's not a dark tune. Just a realistic one. With all that being said, I hope you enjoy.
Released: 10-Mar-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 6.5 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
A beautiful lie
posed on the edge of a smile
Dreams compromised
as we pull the curtains closed

Is there a chance
this could be
something so unreal 

Should we believe
the lies we made

Beautiful words
fill the air all around
Dreams come unbound
as our eyes open wide

Is this our chance
to make our escape

From This make believe
we’ve made for ourselves

If I fall too deep
When I come around
Will I loose myself in your world

If I fall too deep
Will I find myself
without you

A Beautiful end
The world comes rushing in
sitting alone
in the dark
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Beautiful,   a flower has it roots deep down below the soil   thanks for posting
Latest song: INK AND BLOOD
9 months ago
Beautiful music! Great concept perfectly unfolded in the lyrics...
(Of course, we all "know" there are no conspiracies and everything is just as it seems... Ha ha!)
Latest song: This Desert Place
9 months ago
Great song. I like the mood and the slow synth build-up. Cool lyrics. 
9 months ago
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