Music » Inspirational » deezee » Song
Arabic Sadness
by   deezee
Song information
My own composition with a beautiful sad wood wind instrument,
Released: 11-Mar-2024
Category: Inspirational
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 4.7 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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What a mournful sound that instrument has dee. What's the name of it?
Latest song: Days Go By
6 months ago
@Wyndsok  Hi Michael I have no idea it was a free to use one from looperman/ Unfortunately it didn't say, I would like to know also.
6 months ago
Idiomatic and splendid.  The voicing is between an English horn and a soprano sax?  A what is called "ethnic" voice by failure culture. 
Thanks for posting. 
6 months ago
Beautiful piece of music. Wonderfully made. Really good
Latest song: Strange Love
6 months ago
Such a beautiful peice of music, this evokes so many wonderful emotions .... Stunning post Dee x
Latest song: A dream for peace
6 months ago
Sounds like a sad scene from gladiator 😁🙌🏼
6 months ago
Lovely tone ... sounds like an oboe. And indeed the piece is very nostalgic, reflective, and sad!
6 months ago
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