Music » Pop » AlHughson » Song
My Toes Still Curl
by   AlHughson   and   DonMar
Song information
Always loved this lyric of Donna's
Released: 22-Mar-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 7.6 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
My Toes Still Curl  (REV 15.04.13)

Long before our story's end
Love's fragile flame had died
We tried to tune out warnings
From sentiment or pride

But finally we knew
Letting go as friends
Was the only thing to do

Yet my toes still curl
When I hear your name
My heart begins to hum
To our old refrain
Oh, you'd smile to know
That my toes still curl
Like they did
When you were my whole world

Long before my story ends
I want to see your eyes
Re-colour faded mem'ries
Review the sacrifice 

Those years ago we knew
Letting go as friends
Was the only thing to do

Yet my toes still curl
When I hear your name
My heart begins to hum
To our old refrain
Oh, you'd smile to know
That my toes still curl
Like they did
When you were my whole world

Loving you was pleasure
Leaving you was pain
And I'd give anything
To hold you again

My toes still curl
When I hear your name
My heart begins to hum
To our old refrain
Oh, you'd smile to know
That my toes still curl
Like they did
When you were my whole world

© 2013 Donna Devine
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Beautiful, song of love.   I like the arangment  Really beautiful
Latest song: Latina
6 months ago
Nice song Al. I REALLY love the chorus...
Your voice is in fine form herein bro. 
And yes, Donna's lyrics are quite good, and very insightful.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
6 months ago
Splendid ballad ! Your voice is really good on this. Everything is, actually ! Great stuff.
6 months ago
What a beautiful song. So well written. So well performed.
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6 months ago
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