Music » Jazz » thsantac » Song
Music (Part 1 - Jazz/Rock)
Song information
To day I am starting a new very long series of 10 pieces that reflect my diverse musical tastes in which I will explore : jazz, rock, electro, prog-rock, world, new age, ambient and classical.

Let's start with this first part which addresses jazz-rock.

Hope you'll like it.

Released: 14-Apr-2024
Category: Jazz
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 9.6 Mb
Plays: 17
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Fine jamming herein, but much more rock than jazz methinks. 
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this. I LOVE good jamming!
Looking forward to the next nine posts!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Really well sounding track. Super well written and played. I will look forward to the next in the series
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
lots of good stuff in here. a real brew. that break around 2:30 got me. i wish at the end you did another break followed by one stab. thanks!
Latest song: Grahebahubbin
5 months ago
ultracool electro pop rock 😊well enjoyed 
5 months ago
This one here is well written.  The parts are considered and fit together perfectly. The production is deft.   A nit?  
The element missing? The bags weigh more than forty pounds and must be lifted by the upper body to swing, especially in fusion.  
5 months ago
Well, I wasn't expecting this BUT WOW what a very pleasant suprise , this is straight into the fav collection for sure ! that guitar growls and then that piano takes me to a whole new world 👌👌
Latest song: A dream for peace
5 months ago
Like it? I love it!! :)
5 months ago
Cool chage of pace. 
5 months ago
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