Music » Pop » Toveco » Song
by   Toveco   and   Geoffsf
Song information
New song from Geoff Lucas, I mix for him
Released: 25-Apr-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 8.1 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Great song from Geoff, well structured and performed. And of course, a great sound :-)
5 months ago
Well versed sounding song
Nice collab ...
5 months ago
Crisp and cool! Wow!
5 months ago
I enjoyed the vocal and the production is excellent.  
I would suggest a Steely Dan inspiration, "Only a Fool Would Say That", rather than U2 and JL, but the disagreement is probably much deeper than taste.  Bravo on the work!  
5 months ago
Really well produced song. Great words. I like the structure. Well done both of you
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
I wrote a comment yesterday and it didn't appear after I thought I had posted it...
Any way - Tom this song has such a great sound, the instrumentation and the vocals just reached out and grabbed my ear. And the message is heart-felt. Kudos!
5 months ago
Dang! I thought I'd commented on this...
Oh well... the ravages of age I guess. LOL    
On to the song:
Fine song. Lyrics tell an ongoing tale which is sadly too true...
The world is more in need of repair than ever before.
It's up to each one of us.
Governments only ever screw things up.
Nice job on the mix Tom!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
The sound, the song, and everything that is involved in it's making is unbeliveable.   Fantastic work here.  
Latest song: University
5 months ago
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