Music » Other » Sprout » Song
Capture your dreams
by   Sprout
Song information
A very short " Ear worm " thats been bouncing around my head ..... Not much but I tend to record and save the FLP as I have forgotten many of these worms over the past years :-)

Released: 28-Apr-2024
Category: Other
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 2.8 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Very nice melody. Ear worm for sure. I often hum a melody in the Voice Memo app on my phone or ipad when it comes to me at a time where I am not at my keyboard.
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
Very nice Dave!
It's so easy to forget a melody if one doesn't find a way to record it right away. 
When I am noodling on the guitar I keep my old camera handy so that if I come up with something I can film myself playing it. Then I can get back to it later. Been doing this for years. Even so, I'm constantly coming up with melodies then forgetting them!
Latest song: Days Go By
5 months ago
Splendid keys and melody
5 months ago
Thank you @KennethLavrsen and @Wyndsok for some great ideas, I will certainly be adopting these as I did have a hdd full of old musical works and sadly due to the hdd failing I lost so many memories ... Thank you for your time and comments 👌
Latest song: A dream for peace
5 months ago
@yoslounge , Thank you for your kind words , I really appreciate them 🙏
Latest song: A dream for peace
5 months ago
 Wow what a lovely melody. I love it Dave !!:)
4 months ago
Thank you @deezee I really do appreciate your time to listen and comment x
Latest song: A dream for peace
4 months ago
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