Music » Blues » Grathy » Song
Dreams Fade Away (mastered)
by   Grathy   and   Toveco
Song information
Tom generously remixed this creation of mine from It's a little tricky because the quality of the initial recording isn't that great compared to real instruments. His original file was a WAV, but that's not allowed here. But it is fun. Original lyrics written by me. Not sure of the application, perhaps Logic?
Released: 16-May-2024
Category: Blues
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 5.7 Mb
Plays: 19
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
See previous version.
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It's really good.!! fantastic collab.' Your right Mary it's so much fun on suno. I've made quite a few so far. With my own lyrics.
 Not sure how to extend it as yet  from the two minutes. I'll figure it out soon :)
4 months ago
I work in Harrison Mixbus 10 Pro :) this is a great song, 
but a bit scary only where this with AI generated music will go
Great song.  I like your singing, catchy chorus and nice blues guitar playing.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
4 months ago
I can't sing like this, so I appreciate the "help" from this site. Thanks everyone for stopping by.
4 months ago
Yes, sound surely improved. 
Latest song: Strange Love
4 months ago
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