Music » Pop » Toveco » Song
I need my Coffee
by   Toveco
Song information
A song Paul Curtis wrote about me :)
that I mastered
We talk almost every morning and he can tell 100%
if I have my coffee or not :)
Released: 22-May-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 7.8 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Ha ha! FUN tuneage! Paul certainly has YOUR number bro!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
4 months ago
@Wyndsok  He sure have haha Thanks :)
That could be me. I need my coffee. A lot of it
You step on on your shoes and hurt your toe and I think you actually shout: "förbannade jävla ..." right? Ha!
I love this song. It is super good fun.
Latest song: Strange Love
4 months ago
@KennethLavrsen  Haha precis så är det, lilltåns uppgift är att kolla att alla möbler är på rätt platts ;)
Cool fun song with lots of wit.  
Latest song: University
4 months ago
That cup is just fine.  Thanks for posting the coffee song!  
4 months ago
7:00am here and I just had mine. Can't imagine a day without coffee :-) Fun song mastered by the master :-)
4 months ago
I just listened to this pretty late, guess I need a coffee as well! Good stuff! Nice song!
Thanks for take a listening guys, Yes this song really fit me haha
If I do not get my coffee in the morning I'm not too nice to be with, ask Paul haha
@Toveco Tell me about it lol :) Paul knows you so well!
Latest song: Evensong
4 months ago
@AlHughson  Well so do you my fiend haha
LOLOL....I am glad to see others write about coffee too.. I smile at these lyrics  with a bit of new wave alternative musical influence. ( Wrapped Around Your Finger?) For me, dark roast coffee is nirvana- calms me down and makes everything seem manageable. Thanks for sharing your creativity here
4 months ago
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