Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
Out of Time (electro/classical)
Song information
Another electro/classical piece I composed last year after having watched at Tony Scott's movie "Déjà vu" with Denzel Washington (one of my most preferred american actor).

Hope you'll enjoy this movie track.

Released: 18-Jun-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 9.8 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 10
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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I stopped watching movies in 1978.  I enjoyed this tune.  The electronic and classical meld I assume is popular?  Again, I would not know.  This has a huge sound and lots of energy.  Important attributes in music.  Several little melodic devices too.  Bravo!
Latest song: Ride Yer Bike
9 days ago
Occasionally i watch movies only if Denzel is acting in it 😁🙌🏼
And if Thierry playing the Score 
Splendid listening experience 
Well enjoyed 
9 days ago
Definitely sounds like a blockbuster movie score. 
I also don't pay much attention to cinema or TV anymore. Just watch older flicks and series on DVD. (T.M.I.?)
Anyway, as Omar likes to say: "Ultra-cool!"
9 days ago
Beautiful blend of instruments.  Can't wait to listen to this on my headphones when I get home.
Latest song: The King Has Come
9 days ago
Latest song: End Of The Line
8 days ago
Listening to your creations requires almost same routine as drinking a perfectly made coffee (and/or glass of wine) or smoking a fine cigar... @yoslounge knows about this... Peace and quiet, no disturbance, focus, sit back, just listen. It's like a drug. Without side effects (maybe a little addiction anyway ?). How come you're not working for major movie productions ? A mystery to me.
Latest song: Smell Of Coffee
8 days ago
Good use of drama, in the horns and with the opening dissonance. A nice string line too.... I like how it's slow and methodic with a variety of textures (rhythmic, harmonic) around it - that adds to listener interest.  Would work in a variety of film situations! 
8 days ago
@Daugrin @yoslounge @Wyndsok @TrebleFace @deezee Thanks a lot for your unconditional support and kind words. Always much appreciated.
7 days ago
@Dyl Wow, this kind of comments goes directly to my heart my friend. Did not know my music was a drug, lol. About major productions, it has always been my dream, tried several times to participate to conquest or to send musics to dedicated website (on which you have to pay each time) but never got selected, so I gave up... Thanks a lot for your wonderful comment.
7 days ago
@soulima Always touched by comments from you John, it means a lot to me and I will try not to disappoint you in the future. Thanks a lot my dear old friend.
7 days ago
Wow, I really love your stuff
PS they used to have a cinematic station a few years back and I would listen to it all the time… I was really sad when it was taken away. We watch movies almost every night because I'm a very visual person as well as a writer so it all comes together for me in a movie. When the soundtrack is top-notch like this, it only adds to the experience.
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