Music » Ska/Reggae/Dub » morfadrena » Song
di prima mattina (final version)
Song information
lirycs: me
music & voice my friend
this song is different but we hope you like....
W Maria...BOOM!!!

sorry for bad translate...=(
Released: 25-Jun-2024
Category: Ska/Reggae/Dub
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 5.8 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
-quando mi smeglio di prima mattina
When I wake up, first thing in the morning...
-preparo il caffè, il filtro e la cartina
I prepare the coffee, the filter and the smoking paper
-e poi ci aggiungo un po di medicina
And then I add a little medicine...

-con quel profumo che non svanisce mai, in un secondo faccio il giro delle Hawaii
 with that scent that never fades, -In a second I go around of Hawaii
-apro profumose che odore sublime
I open perfumed sachets...but what a marvellous smell...
-ICE Cream, bubblegum banana...
su nelle cartine 7 giorni a settimana
-ICE cream - bubblegum banana... up in the smoking papers 7 days a week
-sappi Maria che sono il tuo migliore fan...
dopo una Skywalker voliamo meglio di Top Gun!

know Maria that I am your best fan
after a Skywalker we fly better than top gun
-poi una bella Wappa, la testa si spacca, è l'hacker che cracca e il cervelletto ti attacca
-then a nice wappa and your head splits - it's the hacker who cracks and the brain  attacks you

--quando mi sveglio di prima mattina
preparo il caffè, il filtro e la cartina
 - When I wake up, first thing in the morning... - I prepare the coffee, the filter and the smoking paper 
-e poi ci aggiungo un po' di medicina
- And then I add a little of medicine...

-con quel profumo che non svanisce mai-with that scent that never fades, 
-in un secondo faccio il giro delle Awaii
In a second I go around Hawaii
-apro profumose bustine,, ma che odore sublime
I open perfumed sachets...but what a marvellous smell
-non so se lo non svanisce mai!
 I don't know if you know but it never fades

-e tu fumati uno spinello e smettila coi tuoi buchi nel cervello perche a noi non ce ne frega un caxxo del lavoro di tuo fratello.
 and you smoke a joint and stop with your holes in the brain - because we don't give a shit about your brother's work

-quando mi sveglio di prima mattina 
preparo il caffè il filtro e la cartina
e poi ci aggiungo un po' di medicina.
 When I wake up, first thing in the morning... - I prepare the coffee, the filter and the smoking paper 
 And then I add a little of medicine

-in estate è brezza, in inverno è calore
dammi l'ebrezza ma senza dolore
 -in summer it's breeze, in winter it's heat give me the thrill without pain 
-con due tiri di ICE vado a tappeto, con altri 2 tiri sono al completo
with 2 shots of ice I'm going to hit the floor with 2 more shots I'm full
-- -quando mi sveglio di prima mattina 
preparo il caffè il filtro e la cartina
e poi ci aggiungo un po' di medicina.
When I wake up, early in the morning... - I prepare the coffee, the filter and the paper - And then I add some medicine to it.
-non so se lo sai ma non svanisce mai
 I don't know if you know this but it never wears off
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Oh yeah Bon Bon 🎶 reggaetoni music
Latest song: Softer Explosion
8 months ago
this is medicinal! really good!
Latest song: Going Back
8 months ago
WOW! Impressive and FUN!
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8 months ago
eheh this is so because i listen the best of reggaeton...reggaeBon! thank you for stopping by buddy! =)
Latest song: travel radio III
8 months ago
thank you Pete, i hope so! =)
Latest song: travel radio III
8 months ago
@Wyndsok i'm happy that you like my friend...thank you! =)
Latest song: travel radio III
8 months ago
This is a great song.  The music, the singing, the progression.  Love it.  Do you play in a band?  My cousin is a professional keyboard player in Verona.  Italian music doesn't get enough recognition in North America.
Latest song: A. I.
8 months ago
hi Trible! no i don't  play in a band, sorry....thank you for the comment! =)
Latest song: travel radio III
7 months ago
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