Music » Alternative » Garni » Song
What if
by   Garni
Song information
Re release of an earlier song.

Garni: Lyrics, Vocals, Music and Mix
Released: 30-Jul-2024
Category: Alternative
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 13.0 Mb
Plays: 21
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
Verse 1
In a city far from home
We found love, just us alone
But time was short, we always knew
Our hearts entwined, but visas flew

Verse 2
Oceans wide and borders tall
Tore us apart, beyond our call
Yet friendship stayed, a gentle light
In lonely days and endless nights

So what if, what if things were different?
And what if fate had been more lenient? (If things were different)
I see your photographs on the screen
And wonder what we could have been! (photographs stay in my dreams)


Verse 3
Years have passed, we've both moved on
New loves came, but something's wrong
I try to build, to start anew
But thoughts of you keep breaking through

We're still in touch, we're still so close
But distance haunts like a silent ghost
I'm grateful for the love we share
Yet part of me wishes you were here


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This is very well produced. I like it very much. 
1 month ago
G, this site needs ALL kinds of music. Your music. It's top quality, on all levels. Spectacular and dark. Perfect.
1 month ago
Welcome back bro!
Strong song. Big production. Top drawer vocals.
A real treat for these ears!
Be well friend!
Latest song: Reckless
1 month ago
Nice songwriting!
1 month ago
Well done. Sounds like a rock concert piece. A U2 reminder. Very presentable.
1 month ago
You fuse intensity of story line with soundtrack majestically.
1 month ago
Great production and performance as usual with you :-)
1 month ago
Wonderful synth ballad. You have such a strong vocal
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
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