Music » Other » Sprout » Song
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by   Sprout
Song information
Sat at my Pc with literally nothing but a blank stare upon my face and just started to play what I felt ..... Not sure what this is ?
Released: 11-Aug-2024
Category: Other
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 4.0 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 14
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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This is so nice! So uplifting!
1 month ago
@Grathy Thank you , not sure what I was doing but music is a great way to unwind...
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
"just started to play what I felt"...
You seem to have a lot of deep and beautiful feelings Dave, as well as a gift for giving them expression!
Very nice this!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Dave composers in deep block are just green.  Let it flow.  
1 month ago
Yes let it flow ...
1 month ago
Very lively and yet calming.  I really like the coral backing ... angelic. It accompanied my research work for the duration...Empty Pages???. Great job.
1 month ago
Beautiful music.  Very peaceful.  When I get a blank stare (often) I walk away, drink a few beers and go to bed :)
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
1 month ago
Thank you @Wyndsok , I've always had a love for arps strings and choirs 👌
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Many thanks @Daugrin , it felt better just letting my fingers do what they wanted .. hope your keeping well 👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
May be I will adopt the " let it flow " approach @yoslounge 😊
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
@StanTheManLoh the choir is part of the free contact 7 player vst .. I will find the one I use and pop you a message on Facebook 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Thanks for your comments @TrebleFace  really do appreciate your time 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
What it is? I will tell you. It is great. And beautiful music. Great melodic theme.
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
Thank you @KennethLavrsen , you know I love a melody ... Hope you and your family are all well and I send my regards ...
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Wow so beautiful Dave!! :)
1 month ago
Thank you @deezee , I got home from work yesterday and when I finally sat down I kinda worked on this a little more as I love the melody... I'm useless when it comes to mastering and the technical stuff, I will forward a link when I can 👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Sometimes the best things come when there's just a blank state. No ideas. No agenda. No preconceived concepts. 
This is a flow of the lush, expansive soundof pure creativity. You can hear it in the music. It's lovely.
Thanks for sharing!
Latest song: Mr. Moon
1 month ago
hank yu for you time and comment @jgurner so very true indeed , sometimes out of the darkness the beauty shines through 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
I decided to add a little bit more to this and " attempt " to add some volume to those drums.....
This aint much but I have enjoyed working on this :))
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
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