Music » Alternative » Garni » Song
The Monument
by   Garni
Song information
Remixed song I did earlier this year ago.

It's a tribute to those who have accomplished extraordinary feats in their lifetime. Picture a majestic monument, perched atop a hill, erected in their honor. Their remarkable achievements deserve this grand symbol of recognition, standing tall for all to see and admire.

Music, Lyrics, Vocals and Mix - Garni
Released: 13-Aug-2024
Category: Alternative
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 11.8 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 9
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
The Monument by Gerald G

Verse 1:
Stone and steel reach for the sky
A tribute meant to catch the eye
Your legacy set in cement
A grand and lasting monument

Verse 2:
Time may pass, but it won't fade
The mark that you have surely made
Generations yet to come
Will wonder at what you've done

The monument it stands high on a hill
Its a  sight that gives me chills
Built to weather every storm
Your memory it will forever adorn!


Verse 3: 

Pilgrims come from far and wide 

To gaze upon your work with pride 

A symbol of what one can do 

Inspiring dreams both old and new

Chorus x 2

Downloaded by
Killer track Gerald!
Latest song: Reckless
1 month ago
Awesome Track Garni 
Sounds great 😎👌
Latest song: Revival
1 month ago
Power song by Gerald. Always lot to listen to in your comp brother.
1 month ago
Nice and tight! Great production! Really hot! Great vocals.
1 month ago
Again a super production. The dynamics, the punchy groove, your super vocal. I love it all
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
Totally pro, as always. Production is top, so many details. Bravo.
1 month ago
This is very good Garny, I enjoy very much the music you posted lately. 
Latest song: Simple Minds
1 month ago
Powerful as that statue looming over us. 
Strong and solid piece. Held my interest throughout.
1 month ago
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