Music » New Age » Wyndsok » Song
Solar Winds
by   Wyndsok   and   Toveco
Song information
Don’t know how many of you have been paying attention of late to the Sun’s behavior. It’s been pretty wild and intense!

Back in 2004, when I first started working in Garage Band, I recorded a lot of instrumentals using loops, samples, and keyboards. This is one of approx. 45 pieces I composed at that time.

It seems fitting to post it now…

Be well all!
Released: 16-Aug-2024
Category: New Age
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 5.2 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Such an impressive mix of sound that perfectly fits its subject !! loved those cool sounds and very Vangelis like ...Very enjoyable listen indeed and as you have stated very fitting with the Suns current activities... Super post Mike  👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Very nice ... very Oriental. Almost like Thai ... I like it.
1 month ago
Yes almost like Thai ...
And yes it is getting hotter and hotter 
Climate change 
1 month ago
What a surprise Mike. We are not used to this kind of piece from you. You show us your very wide musical talents. I like the little asian touch you put in this one. Another great one Mike.
1 month ago
Interesting one Mike. This one could have been the sound track from an acid trip. IMHO...ha
The possibilities are endless with gadgetry . 
1 month ago
Yes the Sun is at a very active 11 year cycle at the moment. I've been studying the spots and keeping a record of spot sizes etc.
There is plenty of Aurora activity around the world to show something is happening with our Star.
Anyway, this is a awesome piece love the intro! And Tom has done a splendid mix too.
Latest song: In Every Dream
1 month ago
Thanks Dave! The Vangelis comparison is interesting. Although I've heard of him, I've never heard anything by him...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Don't know why I went "Oriental" on the keys. This tune is 20 years old. Can't remember. LOL...
It does seem to work though. Glad you like it my friend!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
"Climate change." Yes... the Sun has a series of cycles that drastically affect climate here on earth (as well as on the other planets in our solar system). The Heliosphere extends well beyond Pluto after all. "Human caused climate change" is a Globalist myth. Most we can do is make it a tiny bit worse or a tiny bit better...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Thanks Thierry!
Like I explained in the notes, in my first two years of recording I put together quite a few pieces using loops and samples, augmented here and there with a little keyboard work. Near the end of that period I bought a guitar and began working it in. It's how I taught myself song composition. I have two full CDs of this kind of stuff. Some of it's not bad. Some of it has me scratching my head saying: "What ever was I thinking"! Lol...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Hey Don, I guess all the LSD I imbibed in my youth payed off after all!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
You have a great job Gerald. Glad you like what I tried to do here.
The piece is 20 years old, so it was done WAY before I met Tom. 
The mix is mine. Tom put the finishing touches on it with his mastering skills.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Wow! You have been so productive. I started with the things you did. I find it very cool to work with those tools. You can be very creative as this song proves.
Latest song: Come Closer
1 month ago
Hey thanks Bernardo. 
We all gotta start somewhere, and there's always a learning curve!
A piece of my "prehistory," this. Glad you enjoyed it my friend...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Lot’s of things going around that are wild and intense. Didn’t know the sun was one of them. We might only last another billion or two years. In the meantime this will certainly entertain us with swirling, sonic fun.
1 month ago
Hey Charlie, don't get me started on cosmogonical and astronomical theories!
Anyway, our star is partying hardy right now, as it passes through one of it's several cycles.
Might as well take it as a creative opportunity!
Thanks for lending an ear and a word my friend.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
I dig this one.   This could be the soundtrack to a documentary about the exploration of space or something along those lines.   Coool!
Latest song: University
1 month ago
Thanks Mark. Not the type of thing I usually post, but I've been watching the Sun's activity of late and wanted to post something relative. Fortunately I had this old chestnut tucked away from twenty years ago.
Glad you came along for the trip!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
A collage of Solar Flares - nice!
Latest song: Free Ball
1 month ago
So we have another musician who is way better than he thinks he is-sigh we are a dying breed
Latest song: Evensong
1 month ago
Thanks Patrick. Just a little musical experiment that turned out OK.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Thanks Al... Back when I first began recording in Garage Band, I couldn't believe all the possibilities the technology opened up. I experimented a lot! Some of those experiments came out OK, including this one.
The current Sun-cycle gave me the excuse I needed to post it. LOL...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
The Sun is now milky white instead of yellow. Nice one, Mike
1 month ago
Wow! This was definitely a treat for the ears and you captured the feeling of the Sun perfectly, has a World / Alien flavor that was interesting and mind opening 🙂 was a treat to hear with headphones 👍🙂
1 month ago
Thanks for listening Joyce! I always appreciate your stopping by...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
Thank you for listening and commenting Jim. Pretty much all of my music is designed to be listened to on headphones. I love subtle (and NOT so subtle!) dynamics... I guess I've never totally outgrown psychedelia!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
@Wyndsok.... Mike I strongly suggest you sit back and listen to the amazing works of Vangelis 👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
What a lovely journey. Thanks a lot.
Latest song: Siegerlaune
16 days ago
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