Music » Classical » DavidSmithFinzi » Song
Five Eight Etude
Song information
A duet for bass clarinet and piano, evolved from a solo piano piece. An intentionally jagged motif at the beginning evolves toward a feel of harmonic continuity through variations and increased texture. Starts in 4/4 but uses lots of changing meter, especially in 5/4 and 5/8.
Duration: 4 min
Released: 26-Aug-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 11.7 Mb
Plays: 5
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 5
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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I think you mean bassoon.  I like the jaggedness and the off kilteredness of the meter changes.  Some memorable moments indeed. An idea might be to give that bassoon a little more in way of articulation: secco.I liked the ending! This is less tonal music than I recall you writing, David. 
Latest song: Game of Pairs
23 days ago
Thanks. I originally wrote this for pno and cello, but on re-visiting it, I wasn't getting the strong jaggedness from the (sampled) cello. I did intentionally choose the bass clarinet to get the staccato and range of timbre & articulations (Garritan Aria Player bass cl library); I agree even more variation in articulation would be good; always a challenge to squeeze it directly from the Notion score... :)
Delightful. Thanks for the download.
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17 days ago
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