Music » Classical » DavidSmithFinzi » Song
Piccolo e Dolce
Song information
Bowman's recent post of a one-minute song from early days "We welcome Him" reminded me that I too wrote a song in my first music recording class (in the basement of the UCSB music building). There was a mix board, multitrack tape recorder, a Moog, an Electrocomp and lots of patch cords. I came up with a 3-chord progression and played it and overlaid 6 improvised parts using synths. I was a novice at everything and could barely play notes, so I recorded with the tape at 1/2 speed to give me more time. Made the notes all sound like a cheap electric organ. Mixed down to an analog cassette!

Many years later I dug up that cassette and transcribed into a modern score-based DAW leaving out a lot of stray notes from the original, and used a big organ patch just to hear what would result.

Also, almost one minute long, it was short and sweet --> "piccolo e dolce." (Much shorter than this description. :)
Posted for nostalgia's sake.
Released: 28-Aug-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 2.2 Mb
Plays: 7
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Ha, all the work composers used to do back in the day. I recall Wendy Carlos talking about splicing together sections of music - literally. We are spoiled these days. Despite all the effort, this sounds effortless.
Latest song: Interregnum
1 month ago
I went to UCSB as well! I was a psychology major. Such a fun time. Thanks for sharing your music.
1 month ago
What a surprise. I get to hear a short and sweet echo from your past and find that my little baroque like ditty reminded you of it. Fun to hear. Cheers.
29 days ago
Sounds like a J-S. Bach piece when he was chuch organist.
29 days ago
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