Music » Classical » soulima » Song
At the Gate
by   soulima
Song information
Painting, 'At The Gate' by Dan Schultz.

It's interesting how different things can inspire composition. Sometimes it's a word, or a poem. Even an idea. This image inspired the music. It's quite forlorn, yet the image is full of longing and hopefulness, too.

Instrumentation: Solo English Horn in F, Solo B-Flat Clarinet, Solo Violin, Violin I, Violin II, Viola I, Viola II, Celli I, Celli II, Double Basses
Released: 30-Aug-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 9.5 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Yeah. I got the vibe. Nice work @soulima 
Latest song: You Lookin at Me
16 days ago
Very beautiful!
16 days ago
Wonderful conversation between the Clarinet and the English Horn (instrument I never use in my classical composition). 
14 days ago
@thsantac  Thanks kindly for listening and commenting. 
The English Horn was around during Beethoven, and he did write for it as a Corno Inglese. The composer Berlioz used it in his Symphony Fantastisque and as time went on and the orchestra grew larger, other 'auxilliary' woodwinds besides the English Horn were added: Piccolo, Alto Flute, E-flat/D Piccolo Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Contrabassoon. Even Saxophones made the odd appearance in the orchestra.
Latest song: Game of Pairs
14 days ago
A poignant image that’s conjured a sympathetic and touching musical portrait from you John. Lovely work.
14 days ago
What a lovely melody. So dreamy.
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10 hours ago
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