Music » Classical » DavidSmithFinzi » Song
Chronicles of a Lighthouse
Song information
The lighthouse stands observing and immersed in the changing moods of the ocean.
An orchestral overture: A piece for two pianos and a small orchestral ensemble of flute, clarinet, bassoon, two horns, timpani, strings

from about 12 yrs back
Released: 04-Sep-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 10.2 Mb
Plays: 6
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 6
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Love the way it builds it’s way as it moves ahead. Almost fugue like. Nice ending flourish.
23 days ago
Wonderful piece with full of little details that keep listener attention. I appreciate your talent.
22 days ago
This sounds familiar in some ways. Perhaps the melody? I quite liked the music thoroughout;good flow David. 
Production-wise, it could use a wetter environment, to my ear. 
I wonder if it would benefit from a tad slower tempo - there's a lot going, and it flies by. 
Throughout the piece, my ear kept returning to the bassoon part. It would be a fun part to play. Bassoonists do a great job with staccato and short, secco articulations; this piece might pop with that addition. 
Thanks for a great listen!  
Latest song: Interregnum
20 days ago
Thks John. I think you're right on all counts. I don't have access to the original parts, but I think I'd like to try it a little slower and bring out the bsn. :)
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