Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
A Soap Bubble Over Sea (Part 1)
Song information
Let me tell you the story of a friendship between a little boy and a soap bubble (a little bit childish I know but I wanted it like that) :

Once upon a time, a little child liked to play with soap bubbles, he could spend hours trying to make the biggest one. And one day, he succeeded. The bubble was so big and strong that it never pops. A lot of fun they had together, it was an incredible relationship and the bubble became his best friend.

But one day, the wind was so violent that it took the bubble very far away and sent it over the sea. The little child was depressed, he had lost his single friend.

But the bubble never popped and fought against the elements, the wind and the sea tried to break it without success. It had a lot of adventures and somehow was happy to discover the world. And after a thousand miles journey over the sea, the bubble fell down on a beach, far from its friend....

No one knows what happened to it after.

(To be continued)

Enjoy the story.

Released: 12-Sep-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 15.1 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 12
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Lovely! Whimsical and wistful and wonderfully orchastrated. Love the story too. I can see this accompanining animation of illustation of the story. No dialog, just images and music. Definitely will be on the lookout for the continuation.
Thanks for sharing!
Latest song: Mr. Moon
6 days ago
Excellent composition. Great orchestration. I really get images in my head of a serious cartoon short field made at a high artistic level. A bit like the Snowman.
Latest song: Strange Love
5 days ago
As I listened I could in my mind's eye picture the soap bubble's journey over various terrains...
Interesting premise for a piece of music Thierry. Very imaginative!
Love the way the piece dips and weaves along. Just like a bubble would...
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
5 days ago
Lovely piece of music my friend!
I love this… And I would like to see it made into a short film.
Latest song: Smile
3 days ago
2 days ago
This music evokes the sea and many of the adventures you describe. 
Sweet and very successful.
2 days ago
An enjoyable story and a lovely listen. Nice textures and melodies too. I like how you picked up the pace at the two minute mark.  Good use of syncopation throughout. I liked that change at 3:30. Good use of the elements of music (timbre, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, melody, harmony, and texture) to maintain listener interest. Oftentimes on site such as this, folks post music that only focusses on a couple of these elements. Bravo, Thierry! 
Latest song: Game of Pairs
1 day ago
Fantastic.  I've always liked Classical music but I'm loving loving it more and more thanks to some guys on this site.  
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
1 day ago
@jgurner @KennethLavrsen @Wyndsok @Toveco @Grathy @Micguitare @Bowman @soulima @TrebleFace 
Thanks a lot for your kind review and nice words. I always appreciate them a lot (even if sometime I don't reply). Think it's time to post part 2 :-)
1 day ago
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