Music » Rock » AlHughson » Song
Wear The Fox Hat
Song information
Sometimes you get an idea but the vocal does not come-This was one of those times
Released: 18-Sep-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 8.0 Mb
Plays: 7
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 7
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Wow, had to lower the sound :-) Can't imagine anything else that a screaming voice on it.
1 day ago
@thsantac Thank you sir now add a beautiful lyric :)
Latest song: Wear The Fox Hat
1 day ago
Wow nice hard rocking song.  Love that riff and the groove kicks ass.  @thsantac when I hear this kind of music I raise the volume to piss off the neighbours 😂
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
11 hours ago
A screamer ... you need Axel Rose here :)
Solid Rock
Latest song: Revival
5 hours ago
Out of teh gate liek a bullet!
Hope you get a good solid vocal to go with this!!
Dio style would be perfect!!!
Latest song: Synestia
3 hours ago
Rock and ROAR!
Yikes! That lead soloing ripped the paint from the walls...
Omar is right. You need a screamer for this one!
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2 hours ago
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