Music » Jazz » Barretok » Song
Come Closer
Song information
A soul ballad with a bit of classical to cook soft
Released: 26-Sep-2024
Category: Jazz
Application: GarageBand
File type: m4a
File size: 9.9 Mb
Plays: 6
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 6
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Come closer

I see you
I feel you
I want you
Come closer, darling
I know you can

I wanna kiss you
Taste you
Make love to you
Come closer I will show you

Day and night, 
Night and day
In the light or the shade
I won’t go away

So come closer baby
I know you can
I know you’re scared
I understand


I see you
I feel you
I want you
Come closer, darling
I know you can

I wanna kiss you
Taste you
Make love to you
Come closer I will show you

Day and night, 
Night and day
In the light or the shade
I won’t go away

So come closer baby
I know you can
I know you’re scared
I understand


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The music involved almost sounds like something Santana would have done.  I really like the lead guitar involved as well as the break that happens close to the midway point.  Pretty cool thing you've got here. 
Latest song: University
22 hours ago
Love that guitar! Very sexy!
21 hours ago
Well done. I enjoyed your brand of music! Haunting!
Latest song: Hello Sunrise
21 hours ago
Crawling Kingsnake Barretok is back. Venom, charm and voodoo included. Black magic 100%. Great.
16 hours ago
Oh hell yeah! 
Love it!!
Latest song: In Every Dream
9 hours ago
@Venturesome Yes, you're right about Santana's guitar, I tried to include some jazz drumming in the midway. Thank you
Latest song: Come Closer
7 hours ago
@Grathy, oh finally something noticed that I can be sexy  <3 <3
Latest song: Come Closer
6 hours ago
@StanTheManLoh Thank you, Stan, I'm glad you enjoy my music. I enjoy yours too. I remember the songs you used to upload in icompositions
Latest song: Come Closer
6 hours ago
@Dyl My brother, thank you for the crawling snake thing, you got it! I'm back after trying to balance music and painting.
Latest song: Come Closer
6 hours ago
@Garni. I appreciate that you loved it, thank you my new and former icompositions pal ;)
Latest song: Come Closer
6 hours ago
Smoking Track Bernie 
6 hours ago
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