Some Latin syncopation for horns and percussion. If you're a Donny Osmond fan or just like a hot tango check out the video:
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I like the syncopation and the melody is just plain odd - in the most delightful way.
You have a great cross relation....
'A cross (or false) relation is a kind of dissonance occurring when two notes which are of the same pitch class but chromatically different are sounded simultaneously'.
For example in the key of C - C, E natural, E-Flat, G... occuring together - a major/minor chord.
Nor sure if that's intentional, but it works well!
@soulima When I have an idea I sketch it out then start to play with my ear as my guide. For me this piece isn’t so pretty as it is ballsy. That cross relation you describe felt just right.
Thanks for your detailed and informative comment John. Cheers,
@AlHughson I agree. While my taste leans more traditional, on occasion I loosen up and play outside my box. It’s important for our growth and helps keep music alive. Thanks so much Al.