Here’s something from a while back that I’ve refreshed. A fully orchestrated work in three conceptually unified sections. Request, Decision and Acceptance. It’s about life and death in an earlier time. When requests and decisions had consequences.
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:5.6 Mb
Weekly plays:1
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License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
@soulima I use a hodgepodge of samples.
I have free old samples of Boldt strings and trumpets. I like them and other samples that are pressure sensitive and very responsive which I find helps give expression rather than relying on modulation alone. Then modify them as best I can. I also use EastWest Symphonic Orchestra (also pressure sensitive).
AbionOne Strings for their fullness.
CineSymphony LITE woods and timpani (nice sound)
And I also do a lot of layering.