Music » Other » SmokeyVW » Song
We'll Get To Phoenix Someday Soon
Song information
Once again, I'm unsure about the genre. Perhaps it's light rock/ballad?
A song ostensibly about driving a Firebird to Phoenix.
Released: 24-Nov-2023
Category: Other
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 13.9 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
My buddy and me are driving this beat up Firebird 
(Across the desert sands) 
My buddy and me are driving this beat up Firebird 
(Across the desert sands) 

We'll get to Phoenix someday soon 
We'll get to Phoenix soon... 

My buddy and me are driving this stolen Firebird 
(Across the shifting sands) 
My buddy and me are driving this stolen Firebird 
(Across the shifting sands) 

If there's a God in heaven 
He'd be driving this car 
Chasing the moonlight 
On His way to Phoenix 

Destination far away 
But getting closer every day 
We'll get to Phoenix soon... 

My lover and me are driving a silver Firebird 
(Across the burning sands) 
My lover and me are driving a silver Firebird 
(Across the burning sands) 

I could be happy for the rest of my life 
But the war drums beat in Babylon 

~ ~ ~ 

Destination far away 
But getting closer every day 
We'll get to Phoenix soon... 

My soulmate and me are driving our golden Firebird 
(Across the endless sands) 
My soulmate and me are driving our golden Firebird 
(Across the endless sands) 

What's it like to live five hundred years? 
What's it like to love five hundred years? 

Listening to that serious radio 
Listening to my cinnamon girl 
(Always making old things new) 
Listening to that cinnamon girl 
On our way to Phoenix 

~ ~ ~ 

My shadow and me are driving that antique Firebird 
(I'm driving with no hands) 
My shadow and me are driving that antique Firebird 
(Look Ma! No hands!) 

We know how this movie's ending 
But I need another chance 
The radio keeps on telling 
The same damn lies 

We'll get to Phoenix someday soon 
We'll get to Phoenix someday soon 
We'll get to Phoenix someday soon 
We'll get to Phoenix soon...
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The genre is "great music". Very good
1 year ago
Compliments on this recording. The song builds nicely with lots of contrast and even a key change. The instrumentation is never overdone and has interesting changes throughout. Lyrics are very surreal and the vocals use stereo imaging to good effect. A long song but it held my interest all the way through.
I felt the song was very dreamlike with a lot of subtle but wild changes and that made it work as a very rewarding listening experience.
1 year ago
The Salvador Dali of songwriting… there is a subtle humor here, not that you tell a joke, but created by the whimsy, and the whimsy stand in stark contrast to.. “but the war drums beat in Babylon”… the whole comes together to paint an abstract in the order of Kurt Vonnegut… a very compelling listen
Latest song: Homeland
1 year ago
Been watching old Route 66 episodes on DVD. This tune captures that vibe. So cool... Your keyboard work herein enchants. Good vocal too man.
Btw, if I were to throw together an ibandstand desert island disc this gem would definitely go on it!
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