Music » Rock » GroundSwell401 » Song
Willie The Pimp
Song information
Zappa cover I idid about 8 years ago. Me on vocals.
Released: 22-Dec-2023
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 11.6 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Cool real good { WILLIE THE PIMP } love it !
Latest song: Latina
9 months ago
This is terrific. Thanks for posting. The Beefheart cover is convincing, at least of difficult as a Zappa cover. Lots of orchestration! Splendid. The horns you wrote are funny and serious at the same time, right in the Zappa realm. Bravo!
9 months ago
This is really good. You have a really good voice for this style,
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Cool ... love the tone of your voice ...unique ... reminds me of Jibes...wonder where Jibes is! Anyone know?
9 months ago
Thanks, everybody! I appreciate you. Daug, I'm shocked by your response!
9 months ago
Bless you, Sir. Hot Rats is my second favorite Zappa album ( We're Only In It For The Money is a first). Everything here seems to be faithful to, if not the original track, then to the spirit of it. Frank would seriously have been really proud of you.
Latest song: University
9 months ago
Venturesome, you are too kind. Glad you enjoyed this!
9 months ago
Great job on one of my all time favorite tunes. Got the Beefheart vocal pretty good. Wondered how you were going to handle the insane guitar solo. Very cool.
Latest song: June Wedding
9 months ago
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