Music » Jazz » jmill » Song
Late Night Spaghetti Sauce
by   jmill
Song information
Sax and guitar improv for your late night listening pleasure…
Released: 01-Jan-2024
Category: Jazz
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 6.0 Mb
Plays: 13
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 13
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Jack thank you for laying down the sauce. Nice flavor!
9 months ago
All the right ingredients mixed and simmered to serve up a fine fusion into the ears. Now I'll have a glass of sparkling red to toast you ..2 thumbs up
9 months ago
Sax is the only instrument we can hardly play on a keyboard (I use Saxlab library). Very cool impro Jack.
9 months ago
Very very nice tune, and the saxophone is Sooo tasty. Truly splendid.
8 months ago
Lovely piece of music. I like the use of the multiple saxes
Latest song: Strange Love
8 months ago
Very cool piece!!Yeah!!
Latest song: How Long
8 months ago
Sounds really lovely. Enjoyed!!
8 months ago
This is a tasty bit of jamming brother! Only now I'm hungry for pasta. I blame YOU! 😜
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
8 months ago
This sets the mood and a fine atmosphere. Really good work getting this one in shape.
Latest song: University
8 months ago
so you play Sax? when opening this I didn't know that you would turn out to be Jack Miller... excellent and excellent... sultry... and I married Lois Anne Genevieve Vintalore... so I know a thing or 2 about late night Spaghetti Sauce
8 months ago
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