Music » Jazz » Venturesome » Song
Wednesday's Around
Song information
This is the most updated version of the song, first written in 2014. The music, I think, comes from my time working in restaurants as a classical guitarist. I used to play a lot of Villa Lobos in these places, which I think comes across here a little bit. The lyrics, I think, speak for themselves.
Released: 21-Jan-2024
Category: Jazz
Application: Studio One
File type: mp3
File size: 1.4 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 9
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
Most people I hear complain about Monday
But Tuesday can be bad in it's own way
Don't try to think about it, just go with the flow
But even so, the same winds blow

Maybe it's the date of birth, no offering in the bowl
Whatever it is, it comes for your soul

So when bad luck falls right down
You'll be sure Wednesday's around
So when bad luck falls right down
You'll be sure Wednesday's around

Got to put your finger on it, where does it land
Events always seem close at hand
We gotta find a way to break the spell
Crack open Crowley's card, what do they tell

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Very nice songwriting. Enjoyed the chord progression and creativity. I like your classical rhythm guitar the best. Tone and presence on the keys was pleasant at 1:56. Creative background vocals. I feel like the easiest way to improve this track would be the mix. I feel like it could pop a lot more. Maybe the easiest place to start would be the percussion. This song works as is, but if you got more dimension to it.. I feel like this song would be very powerful if you can feel immersed in it. Like, almost lost in the background vocals as they disorient you popping in with strength from different vantage points. Idk, just how it hits me!
Latest song: Fare Well
8 months ago
The vocal is great. The backing vocals are in tune and real assets to the recording. If one background followed the descending sequence you would have a solid original hook. Impressed with this work!
8 months ago
Nice finger picking. Cool vocal harmonies. I also like the chords
Latest song: Strange Love
8 months ago
Splendid listen music & vocals well enjoyed
8 months ago
Cool vocals, great lyrics, music. Love it!!
8 months ago
Mmmm... Love that guitar tone. Fine song writing. Memorable chorus! Yeah WHATEVER it is, it certainly comes for your soul... Be well friend! 👌👍👏🤩😋
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
8 months ago
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