Music » Folk » AlHughson » Song
Imbolc(The Rowan Tree
Song information
For those who know
Released: 23-Jan-2024
Category: Folk
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 9.5 Mb
Plays: 22
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Right out of the gate this reminds me of Life Sorbye's band Tempest, with a hint of Johnny Fean (Horslips) in the lead soloing. I mean that as a high compliment! Very very cool folk rock! Be well friend! 👌👍👏😋
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
8 months ago
Wonderful production serving the song. Tradition this comes from is rich in naturalistic elements and while modern prog elements are present, it never strays too far from folk music. Well done.
8 months ago
Fantastic rock ballad or rock slow piece. I love the mood. I live the layered octave vocals. Beautiful work
Latest song: Strange Love
8 months ago
Proggy went a-courtin'! Great production, and I love the lyrical content.
8 months ago
This is really good. Great lyrics and the guitar solo really hits the spot.
Latest song: University
8 months ago
Cool progression. I like the vocals the best. And the vocal doubling works. Now I want to know more about The Rowan Tree.
Latest song: Fare Well
8 months ago
Supercool vocals. Love it all!!
8 months ago
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