Music » Other » morfadrena » Song
verso l'alba VII
Song information
combo...hope you like
Released: 27-Jan-2024
Category: Other
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 9.9 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Gentle intro. Percolating. The bongo loop is nice. Pretty mellow. Just had a long lunch. This has me ready to chill out and maybe have a nice nap.
Latest song: Fare Well
8 months ago
Splendid guitar sound & yes the bongos & congas are ultracool
8 months ago
The bongo sounds great and lovely guitar tones Gain Really enjoyed!! :)
8 months ago
Hi Moses, thank you very much for stopping by, very appreciated!!! =) Ciao Omar, thanks so much for the comment, it's always a joy see you!!! =) Hola Dee, i'm very happy that it like to you,,, thank you very much for the comment!!! =)
8 months ago
I enjoyed this ... You must have enjoyed getting this piece together!
8 months ago
Hi Stan, yes have a lot of fun! thank you very much for the comment!!! =)
8 months ago
Nice piece....bongos sound like they're right in my room! A very pleasant listen! 👌👍😋
Latest song: Days Go By
8 months ago
There is a nice, gentle airiness to this piece, while the bongos give it a delightful percussive texture. Well done, sir -- thanks for sharing!
8 months ago
Lovely piece, goes with the serenity of the sunset picture above. Congrats.
7 months ago
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