Music » Other » morgan102 » Song
Saturday Nite Sounds Just Right
Song information
Music: STJray wiki loops
Lead Vocals: morgan102
Backup Vocals: morgan102
Lyrics: morgan102
Released: 07-Feb-2024
Category: Other
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 9.4 Mb
Plays: 34
Downloads: 6
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 3
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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The vocals, both lead and backing are big time first class. The electric piano is a super nice touch, and the song really has got some cool swing. I would recommend this one.
Latest song: University
7 months ago
Very nice colab with Ray on this.
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
7 months ago
This sounds great my friend! :)
I pretty much know I'm going to get a great listen when I open a post from you... no exception here... the drums sit just right I can hear everything in you soundscape... the glue is perfect... and your naturally soulful voice is the frosting... if I had access to to emojis, I would put a line of thumbs up across the page
7 months ago
I like this my friend, your whole production is good as always, and well... your vocals are the best!
Latest song: Come Closer
7 months ago
My favorite is number 5 (from left) in the picture :-) What a great song Morgan, so deep and well balanced.
7 months ago
Really enjoyed Morgan!!
7 months ago
Yet another well produced song. Lovely groove. I love the electric piano chords. And your smooth voice. Oh so smooth. I read Thierry's comment. My favorite is the one that will bring me breakfast in bed.
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
Like listening to Motown back in the day. Very cool! 👌👍👏😋😎
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
Powerfull vocals... Great track!!! Regards Dom
7 months ago
Love the groove, and of course, the vocals! 
Latest song: Interregnum
6 months ago
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