Music » Classical » Bowman » Song
What Have I Done?
by   Bowman
Song information
A litte mood.
A little Jazz.
And a bit of Darkness.
Released: 20-Feb-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 3.7 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Horn jazz, a rare breed here. The samples might have benefited from attenuation. The backing is clean and bright. Great production template!
7 months ago
This is a very mysterious and stunning piece of music.... Great post 👏👏
Latest song: A dream for peace
7 months ago
Fantastic music. Well orchestrated. I like the way it swings. Love it!
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
I like the rare breed part and you might be right about cooling the samples some. Thanks Dougrin. Wow Sprout I don’t get many compliments like that. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks my friend. Hey Kenneth keep this up and my head will be too big for my hat. Thank you my friend. Cheers all, Charlie
7 months ago
I can tell what you have done................A masterpiece!
Having a title like that posses a question. But I wasn’t expecting an answer like yours. Thank’s Toveco. Cheers, Charlie
7 months ago
Great piece, great composition and great production.
7 months ago
Kind comments from an eclectic and highly accomplished composer. Thank you thsantac.
7 months ago
A likeable melody, Charlie. I like how it noodles and moves!
Latest song: Interregnum
7 months ago
Fantastic. I really enjoyed!!
7 months ago
Thanks for checking this out John. Glad you enjoyed it. Same for you deezee Thanks guys. Charlie
7 months ago
Really good mix, everything is clear. Sometimes songs will a lot of reverb get muddy but I could hear everything, even the sitar.
Latest song: Matter At Hand
7 months ago
You always had an expert’s ear for quality of the sound. Thanks for catching this Steve. Cheers, Charlie
7 months ago
Positively cinematic Charlie! A new fanfare for the common man... 👌👍👏😋
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
Copland’s Fanfare is a masterpiece. What Have I Done is a footnote to a footnote. But I’m very glad you enjoyed it. Thanks Mike. Charlie
7 months ago
Nice mood. Decent jazz. Love the furtive steps into darkness. More please.
7 months ago
Ah the darkness. Sometimes I can’t resist. Thanks Cupcake.
7 months ago
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