Music » Classical » B_Soul » Song
Piano Quintet No.6 1st movement
by   B_Soul
Song information
My main project is very alternative metal, so I thought for my first upload, I would pick something with a little more widespread appeal.
Released: 19-Oct-2023
Category: Classical
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 4.9 Mb
Plays: 7
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Well, it is quite a big contrast to Metal :) Love it!
Latest song: Han I Hand
8 months ago
Thanks Toveco :)
Latest song: 005.I am Jealousy
8 months ago
This is splendid. I could totally hear giving it a metal treatment. Something to think about...
8 months ago
Thx it would be pretty cool as a metal song
Latest song: 005.I am Jealousy
8 months ago
Very cool...I can imagine this in a heavier setting...Sounds great!
8 months ago
Versatility is nothing to be snubbed at and this didn't disappoint at all. Extended harmonies are lovely. Often enfuse rock/metal with orchestra it goes well together btw. Well done
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