Music » Spiritual/Gospel » ScottCarmichael » Song
Song information
several years ago on Macjams there was a period where so many contributors posted Wayfarin' Stranger... So I thought to myself "how would I approach this song... I was sitting with my guitar and pursuing the whole thing based on the melody, and pretty soon I got up and took it to the studio, still not quite knowing where it was going... it ended up as an elaborate vocal arrangement sprinkled with guitar frosting...
Released: 29-Feb-2024
Category: Spiritual/Gospel
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 15.1 Mb
Plays: 19
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 4
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
I am a poor wayfaring stranger,

a traveling through this world of woe.

there’s no sickness, toil nor danger

In that bright Land to which I go.

I’m going there to meet my Mother

I’m going there no more to roam.

I’m just going over the river Jordan,

I’m  going over now to my home.

I know dark clouds will gather round me

I know my way is rough and steep.

But fields of Gold lie out before me

Where all the saints their vigil keep 

I’m going Home to meet my Father

I’m going Home no more to roam.

I’m just going over the river Jordan,

I’m going over … I’m going Home

I’ll soon be free from earthly trials,

this body resting cold in the orchard yard

I’ll drop this cross of self denial

And go singing Home to my God

I’m going Home
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A fave of mine. I was one of those MJers you mentioned. One of these days I may have to revisit this find trad tune. You've taken it in a very different direction, and I love it. Lovely acoustic work, and lyrics sung with feeling and conviction. BGVs are outstanding as well. Bravo bro! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
7 months ago
So nice, beautiful. Veracity, sincerity
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7 months ago
Such a great tune. Love the sparkling guitar and vocals,
Latest song: June Wedding
7 months ago
Scott thanks for posting. Great work all around, the mix here is outstanding. Yer a little island. Nothing else like work.
7 months ago
This is a splendid version, Scott. Vocals are perfect, and the steel strings guitar is clear as water from the source.
6 months ago
this song means much more to me now than it did back then. time does that i guess
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6 months ago
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