Music » R&B » Venturesome » Song
Somebody Gonna Get You
Song information
Musically, I was trying to emulate the sound Sly And The Family Stone had on "Family Affair," as well Sly's female group LIttle Sister on their song, "Somebody's Watching You." They have the same groove and instrumentation if you've ever checked them out back to back. Lyrically, we may be able to see that most people and places are getting super touchy about any subject, whether it be religion, politics, political correctness or anything related. I've noticed the feeling that if you don't watch exactly what you say in some spots, you'll get the feeling that you're in someone's not nice book or whatever. Hope you like this one, it was a tricky one to put together.
Released: 04-Apr-2024
Category: R&B
Application: Studio One
File type: mp3
File size: 2.1 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 10
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Cool funk & rhythm
well enjoyed your vocalsĀ 
5 months ago
A most timely message! I agree wholeheartedly with your expressed concerns herein.
Nice tune with a slight Sly Stone vibe.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Sounds great :)
Scotland just introduced an anti hate law- I can no longer tell the truth- funny old world. On another tack fine work and cool cool sounds
Latest song: Evensong
5 months ago
This was cool. I enjoyed every moment. I can hear it was a lot if work, but worth it
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5 months ago
Dig the Sly vibe, real cool .....!
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5 months ago
Thanks for this. I did not know about the group "Little Sister" and their hits despite having most of Sly's albums. You have captured some of the chord progressions that made Sly's music unique so you are well on the way to achieving your objectives of emulating the sound.
5 months ago
Eclectic and funky!
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5 months ago
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