Music » Other » DoreenY » Song
by   DoreenY
Song information
Written by me sung and recorded by Arend Nijssen, music by Jere VanLoan
Released: 08-Apr-2024
Category: Other
Application: Other
File type: m4a
File size: 3.0 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Welcome to the stand.  Last best stand for free music in the world.  You will do fine.  
5 months ago
Yes, welcome to " ibandstand "  Very interesting post.
Latest song: Latina
5 months ago
I can hear the song is great but the sound is incredibly poor. Hardly a frequency below 500 Hz and the file is very small. What bitrate did you encode the song in? Most use 320 kbits/s unless the song is very long
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
@KennethLavrsen . Thanks for your comment, however I don't consider it poor recording . I wrote it , it was recorded by my friend Arend as already stated, who has sadly passed away now. 
5 months ago
Yes sound is very poor, sounds like a small radio :-)
5 months ago
@thsantac  thanks for your comment,  but I don't agree with it. I've listened to this track many times and I've received excellent reviews elsewhere. I don't think the sound is poor recording and have had many compliments on it in past. My friend Arend who recorded this  for me (I wrote it) has now passed away and was an excellent musician as many on Icompositions in past will no doubt agree as he did many collaborations. I don't claim to be an expert but I can hear it perfectly .
5 months ago
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