Music » Electronica » thsantac » Song
Music (Part 2 - Ambient/electro)
Song information
This is part II of my 10-part series. Clearly inspired by Jean-Michel Jarre.
Playing with vocal effects and trying to build a dramatic ambience.
Hope you'll appreciate.
Released: 18-Apr-2024
Category: Electronica
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 16.9 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 2
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Yes i can see and hear the Jean-Michel Jarre influence :)
5 months ago
Impressive composition, Thierry. "Immersive", some art curators would say... and yes, dramatic. Great !
5 months ago
Dark... huge... manic!
Wow Thierry...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
100% feel that Jarre vibe , a very powerful yet hauntingly beautiful piece Thierry , love that dark electro twist ..... Very enjoyable and another one for my Fav folder 👌👌
Latest song: A dream for peace
5 months ago
Yes. A clear Jarre influence but still unique thsantac. I love this music. It keeps me completely captivated with its build-ups and variations. Bravo
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
This can easily be the soundtrack to an epic space movie and the vocal effects work like a dream. Great job!
Latest song: Pot of Gold
5 months ago
I love cinematic music… That used to have a station on the radio, but it has evaporated… Great soundscape!
5 months ago
Wow what a fantastic trippy journey. Loved every second!! :)
5 months ago
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