Music » Rock » Wyndsok » Song
Good Night Chief Seattle
by   Wyndsok   and   Toveco
Song information
This instrumental from 2006 is---as it were---the B Side to “St. Clair’s Defeat,” which seems to have played itself out already.

Although it is primarily an homage to the great and wise Chief, it is also a tip-of-the-hat to two of my favorite musicians from days gone by.

The lead guitar—especially in the solo section—is a deliberate nod to Jimi Hendrix.

The bass playing throughout is a nod to Felix Pappalardi, who was both the producer of the band Cream, and the bass player for the band Mountain.

R.I.P. brothers!

The original file stems were not properly preserved, and so a remix would be rather dicey. I chose instead to take the finished track—such as it is—and send it to Tom Hellstens to see if he could breathe some new life into it.

Once again, deep bows to Tom!

Hope you can enjoy this rather noisy tribute to another victim of manifest destiny…

Be well all!
Released: 23-Apr-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 13.3 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 18
Weekly downloads: 2
License: No derivative works allowed
Hey! It's an instrumental!

Lyrics would be superfluous. LOL
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Sorry for the repetition with these messages, but I'm getting to know this new computer.
5 months ago
I'm reading a book of short stories written by indigenous people. If you think about it, we are the invasive species.
5 months ago
Great job as always. We are the invasive species in the U.S. 
5 months ago
Yep... Manifest destinty is an ugly thing.
Glad you enjoyed the tuneage!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
profound and elegant-great work
Latest song: Evensong
5 months ago
Thanks Al,
When I first recorded this late 2006, I burned it onto a CD and took it to a guy at a local music store to get his opinion on the piece. Well... for the next couple weeks he drove all over Salem with the tune blasting from his car. I think he liked it! LOL...
It's much nicer sounding now with Tom's magic touch on the remaster!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Atmosphere check.  
Melody check. 
Style points for stubborn adherence to three piece orchestration.  
(The reservations have bands that sound very similar.)
Weird noises on the ride out check! 
I think you nailed it. 
5 months ago
Thanks Daug,
The was one of the last two tunes I did on GarageBand2 in 2006. Used that same pedal effect in both of them. Might revisit it someday!
In 2007 I switched to LE7 until my Mac crashed in 2011. 
When I got my new Mac in 2017 I switched up to Logic Pro OS X. 
Weird as this seems, sometimes I think stuff recorded in LE7 sounds better than stuff recorded in Logic Pro OS X. Can't put my finger on why...
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the tune my friend!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
It sounds like Big chief were playing that pedal 
Guitar 🎸 sound  
Original and awesome comp 
I like it 😊🙏🏻🙌🏼
5 months ago
Hey, thanks a lot Omar! 
Back when I first started writing and recording I Iiked to experiment a bit. 
My experimental pieces didn't always pan out. This is one that turned out pretty good.
And you're right. I DID use a real pedal on that guitar rather than a digital model.
Good ears! Good call!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Great guitar playing going on here. Really cool. Tom, the magic man with the magic ears and magic plugins has done it again.
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
Thanks man! Tom really puts the sparkle on these older tunes of mine, to be sure.
Glad you enjoyed the listen friend...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Powerful electric guitar instrumental paying tribute to two of the greats.
Latest song: Come Closer
5 months ago
Love it Mike great mix by Tom also!!! :)
5 months ago
THREE of "the greats!" Musn't forget the good Cheif who is the primary target of this homage!
Anyhoo, many thanks for listening and commenting my friend!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Just to clarify... I did the original mix on this oldie. Tom did the magnificent remaster.
Glad you enjoyed the listen my awesome M8!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
I like this one a lot, Mike. I'm a sucker for a good instrumental and this one is Good!, with so much feeling woven into it. Deep bows, bro...
5 months ago
Sure you didn't play at Woodstock?? Especially after the 5minute mark heard that Hendrix channeling. Nice going
5 months ago
Loving this Hendrix style guitar!
5 months ago
Great music for a great message. France has been invasive in the past too, specially in Africa. 
5 months ago
Thank you Jack,
Weird thing is I had just got this new pedal with some 80 different settings. I stumbled on this particular effect and the tune practically wrote itself. I had the main melody within minutes. As our good friend Vic Holman once said: "Every new toy comes with a new song built right into it." LOL
Glad you like this one bro!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
LOL... I never made it to Woodstock I'm afraid. I think was hitch-hiking eastward from AZ to MN when I first heard about it. By then it was about over...
"Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)" was the obvious inspiration for that solo though.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Garni & Thierry:
Thanks for clocking in on this one guys. 
It was a lot of fun to play and to emulate one of my guitar heroes.
Will we ever truly see the likes of Jimi again? He was so unique...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
OK so now I have a new favourite Wyndsok track. One for my collecton.
Latest song: I Can't do it
5 months ago
Hey Shaun, I'm truly flattered! 
Just be sure you crank it up for the full effect...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Dig this definietly.   In the right frame of mind, I could be mentally or spirtually flying through the air with this one.   Everything sounds top notch.   
Latest song: University
5 months ago
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