Music » Ambient » thsantac » Song
Music (Part 4 - Ambient)
Song information
Next part of my 10-parts series, now with a relaxing ambient piece, beginning with a contemplative synth pad ambience and followed by a sax melody based on a simple piano structure.

Hope you'll enjoy this little journey.

Released: 01-May-2024
Category: Ambient
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 15.1 Mb
Plays: 13
Downloads: 3
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 3
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Beautilful music. I really love the melodic theme in the last half. Really well written.
It will be downloaded later when I am home from work
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
Splendid journey Thierry & a lovely sax melody 
the closing part were beautiful 
Thanks for sharing well enjoyed
5 months ago
Melody is always welcome.  Thank you for sharing your talents with us here.  The production is all in the box goodness.  
4 months ago
Your music is always so intoxicating. I can't imagine creating something like this.
4 months ago
Such a wonder mix of emotions here ( movie quality ) love the changes great job my friend.
Latest song: Hot Stove
4 months ago
There is no criticism from me, I just sit back and enjoy this beautiful piece of music!
Love the way you use pads here I know you are a very talented musician but this showed a rare depth that I have seldom heard since Gabriel's oboe
Latest song: Evensong
4 months ago
Most of this beautiful piece makes me think of sitting alone on a beach at dawn...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
4 months ago
Wonderful journey into sound art. You paint such wonderful colours Thierry. I love it!!!!!
4 months ago
'Little journeys' are sometimes the best. There's lots to like, but my favourite section is the middle section with the saxophone. Saxophones are not easy to emulate, even when sampled. I think it's because they are so 'brassy' and brass instruments are the worst to sound realistic. This saxophone sample sounds pretty authentic. Well done, Thierry! 
Latest song: Interregnum
4 months ago
Relaxing, beautiful, ear pleasing sounds.
Latest song: Fare Well
4 months ago
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