Music » Inspirational » thsantac » Song
Music (Part 9 - Electro/Classical)
Song information
OK, so it's time for the 9th part of my 10 parts series. A piece I like very much because it blends two of my favorite genres: electro (quite inconspicuous) and classical. This will be the perfect transition to the 10th part which will be fully classical.

Put it in inspirational genre.

Hope you'll enjoy this one.

Released: 23-May-2024
Category: Inspirational
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 12.7 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 12
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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I really appreciate your exquisite classical background fused with your modern adventure Thierry ... is your incredible music signature 
Always a pleasure able listening experience 
4 months ago
@yoslounge Thanks a lot for your kind words and your unconditional support Omar. 
4 months ago
This music instills a feeling of dramatic hope.
Deep enough to reflect on what is happening in the world.Very good music.
Latest song: Freak and Flowers
4 months ago
So beautiful! Can't wait for the movie!
4 months ago
Beautiful as always, from the Master!
Really enjoying this series of musical adventures, so many wonderful elements all stitched together in perfection . I feel privileged to be listening to these wonderful posts .... Thank you
Latest song: A dream for peace
4 months ago
What a beautiful intro. And a lovely beautiful melodic theme that continues into the rhythmic section. I really like that cello melody and it is beautifully harmonized. A really good blend of acoustic classic orchestra and electronic instruments. I love that blend too. Wonderful, brilliant. I need a bigger NAS
Latest song: Strange Love
4 months ago
I'll say it once again Thierry: I'm so glad you stayed on here!
Man this is beautiful. 
5:16 minutes of sonic BLISS my friend!
All the changes work. I love it...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
4 months ago
First class music! I always love your productions! So dynamic. This one should be for a romantic movie!
4 months ago
Beautiful!! :)
4 months ago
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