Music » Alternative » AlHughson » Song
Electric blue spider webs
Song information
And now for something completely silly
Susan challenged me to write a song called Electric Blue Spider Webs back in '88-The jury's still out
Released: 04-Jun-2024
Category: Alternative
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 10.6 Mb
Plays: 21
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Electric Blue Spider Webs

I’m falling
Still falling
The spiders of my thoughts are running
weaving quickly and softly
Through my mind
Building their webs
Of magic blue
To catch all the thoughts
That would be unkind
Dreams of you keep coming through
Like an angel caught in electric blue
Spider webs

I’m falling
Still falling
Still falling

They catch me when I loose my grip
On the cliffs of life
Stop me falling to the depths of doubt
They never ever 
Set up trite conditions
Never judge me or try to catch me out
Dreams of you keep coming through
Like an angel caught in electric blue
Spider webs

Electric blue spider webs
Thoughts of you in my head
Electric blue spider webs
Thoughts of you in my head
Electric blue spider webs
Thoughts of you in my head
As the magic fills the air
It’s then I lose all my cares

The spiders of my thoughts still running
Moving swiftly and softly through my soul
Building their webs
Of magic blue
Taking all the parts 
Creating the whole
Dreams of you keep coming through
Like an angel caught in electric blue
Spider webs
Electric blue spider webs
Thoughts of you in my head
Electric blue spider webs
Thoughts of you in my head
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When I sang "waiting for the spider" in my last post I never thought that, when it would finally show up, it would be on an electric blue web! LOL...
You are no one-trick-pony brother! Once again I'm caught off guard in a most delightful way...
Latest song: All Is Quiet
9 months ago
David Bowie lives! Enjoyed this!
9 months ago
That arp synth and the fased pased beat really works well. Cool song. Really unique in its musical language. I like it
Latest song: Witch Dance
9 months ago
Love them arppegiated chords ... Great melody and vocals with a thumping bass , its a yes from me 👌👌
Latest song: UPlift
9 months ago
Slinky and a fine web of a song. An entertaining listen.  
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9 months ago
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