Music » Rock » Smileygeezer » Song
The Reluctant Hero
Song information
Prog Rock. Needs a better singer. If you want to have a go, get in touch.
Released: 23-Oct-2023
Category: Rock
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 12.9 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
The shadows linger on the mountains
The sun has almost left the sky
Before it fades from the horizon 
Another warrior must die

Tormented landscapes full of graveyards
The blood runs freely in the ford
Prostrated victims lie in waiting
The reluctant hero draws his sword

Truth and honour we abuse
Death or glory we must choose
There are no winners everyone must loose

The enemy we have to fight
Safe in the knowledge we are right
But right or wrong we carry on in spite

Donโ€™t lie to me
Tell me truthfully
Will anyone survive?

What are we fighting for?
What is the point of war?
If thereโ€™s no one left alive

And in the aftermath of Glory
Amidst the rotting flesh and bone
The deathly silence stirs his conscience
The reluctant hero stands alone
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Really good song. Lovely guitar work. And I like the drumming style for the song. Sorry - my vocal scares the birds away. Cannot assist there. I enjoyed the listen anyway. Very good lyrics
8 months ago
Perfect timing , after catching Blind Guardian , Grave Digger, and Nightwish this is a perfect wind up! to me = it is my kind of raw ... however to me the smooth singing is not raw and it is a welcomed surprise with this music . it creates a symmetrical factor of them versus us .
Has the feel of a track that got accidentally left off the soundtrack to the Heavy Metal movie. That's a great thing.
8 months ago
I agree with the Cupcake Parade. I'd say the whole thing is cool in a unique, but good fashion. I sing on my stuff, but I'm not sure if my voice would fit what you've got here or not.
Latest song: Cash Cow
8 months ago
Oh yes!!! This is totally rocking! Lot's of great guitar happening here!
8 months ago
Super! Wall to wall guitar based extravaganza... Wonderfully poetic lyrics... "There are no winners everyone must lose." Re the vox. Nothing wrong with your singing. It's the way it's recorded and sits over rather than in the mix I think. But that's just me... Anyway, this is, over all, an impressive piece of work. No kidding! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
6 months ago
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