Music » Other » Sprout » Song
by   Sprout
Song information
Sat in my little music room, watching the rain gently fall as the world awakes and decided to just tinker about .....
Released: 01-Aug-2024
Category: Other
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 4.3 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 6
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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This really tugs at the ol' heart strings Dave. 
Deep deep feelings evoked... At least for me.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
1 month ago
I tend to wake super early most days and find myself deep in thought, this morning was no exeption so I armed myself with a mug of black coffee and sat watching a mini storm and had the urge to put fingers to keys ... Thank you for your precious time to listen and comment my friend 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Hi Dave- A brand new day, I hear this as... Listening pleasure as always
1 month ago
Haunting and lovely work. 
1 month ago
Thank you so much @Sociallite1957 , I was purely sat in my man cave to catch up on a netflix series as a storm woke me ... I sat watching the rain and decided to fire up FL Studio , I thank you for your time and comment Joyce ❤️
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Many thanks @Bowman , I think it's pretty apparent that I do love my haunting ballads , your wondrous comment inspires me to continue tinkering around with music 👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Superb keys ...
1 month ago
I like the slow opening, and lovely chord progressions. A gentle melody to match. All works together well; what's not to like? 
Latest song: Interregnum
1 month ago
Thank you @yoslounge I appreciate your time and comments Sir 👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Thank you @soulima for taking the time to listen and comment. your words keep me inspired to keep creating 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Wow a sensational listening experience Dave!! I love it. :)
1 month ago
@deezee Thank you for your time to listen and comment, I am always inspired to continue playing around with sound by the wonderous feedback you give x
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Love the drama, very cinematic, beautiful progression. Bravo !
1 month ago
Beautiful music. I enjoyed it very much
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
Great opening with great slow chords. Sometimes, we just have to look around to find inspiration, you gave us a great example Dave. As you do I wake up very early (around 5:30) to appreciate the silence and to observe how the world is getting back to normal.
1 month ago
I love this, Synth intro is inspiring. 
I was thinking of the word 'queue' which has the last four letters silent. Almost as if they wait their turn. 
1 month ago
Thank you for the inspiring words, I have a ideas floating around my head for pt 2
Thank you for your time to listen and comment @Dyl@KennethLavrsen@thsantac & @DaoDDBall  👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
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