Music » Classical » Bowman » Song
Requiem for a Lost Soul
by   Bowman
Song information
As we were going through the pandemic I came across an image of a young girl, standing alone in a field of wheat, staring at a darkening sky. Someone was gone, forever. I felt her sadness and for the millions like her.
And so came this music.
Released: 15-Sep-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 4.6 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Awesome composition befits a Score..
Well enjoyed 
Thanks for sharing
Latest song: Tunable Weed
2 days ago
Very good beginning, a little variation before the last third would have been nice. I would have expected more choirs like in all requiems.
1 day ago
It's interesting what inspires us. The pandemic has inspired a lot of artists and this fits the description!
Latest song: Game of Pairs
1 day ago
This so beautiful.  Nothing can express emotions better than classical music.  Spesaking without words.  Incredible.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
1 day ago
@yoslounge Thanks for checking this out and your kind words Omar. Cheers.
1 day ago
@thsantac Always interested in you comments Thierry. Thank you my friend.
1 day ago
@soulima Something strikes a chord with us and as artists we respond. Thanks John.
1 day ago
@TrebleFace Kind of you to say TrebleFace. I’m partial to “Classical” but your recent piece spoke clearly to mine. Thanks my friend.
1 day ago
I like this music. Dark and sad but also with proud and hope. Very well done with in instruments and voices
Latest song: Strange Love
1 day ago
Charlie this is Epic... Huge... Magnificent.
Life (and death) provides impetus and inspiration a plenty, does it not?
My FAVE by you so far bro...
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
1 day ago
@KennethLavrsen I like and agree with your descriptors Kenneth. I don’t set out with that in mind but it becomes what it needs to become. Thanks my friend.
5 hours ago
@Wyndsok Requiem goes back a few years but it’s never resonated with the few that have heard it. I don’t expect to please everyone but I’m pleasantly surprise that it’s found a welcome here and that you and others think highly of it. Thanks Mike
5 hours ago
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