Music » Country » Wyndsok » Song
Song For Everyone
Song information
Alright then…

A couple months ago I was doing a ride-along with my youngest son Jakob. (I occasionally accompany him when he goes out on tub-repair jobs.) We were scanning radio channels when we hit on some country tune. Jake suddenly began mocking the tune and sang: “This is a song for everybody…,” and then abruptly switched to a classic rock station. So much for that, right?

However, I could not let it go! I liked his impromptu melody, switched the words to “This is a song for everyone…,” and began writing the lyrics in my head. When I got home that afternoon I started writing out all the lyrics. With the lyrics written, and some ideas about the melody, I went to visit my dear friend Dan (@GuitarDanno46) so he could help me figure out the chords.

That done, I approached Scott Carmichael (@ScottCarmichael) about possibly contributing some piano. He got very excited, recorded an excellent piano track, and then asked if he could do the bass as well. I was only too happy to let him. Less work for me! Lol…

In the meantime, I contacted my old friend Bob Sperber (@RMS), and asked if he could contribute slide lead guitar. He agreed, and acquitted himself marvelously.

By this time I had hit upon the idea of finishing the last chorus with a group sing-a-long. I sent out a scratch track to a whole bunch of people. A few were unable to participate, but most responded enthusiastically.

One of the folks I approached was Steve Scaustrita (@Scaustrita). He was happy to contribute a vocal, but wanted to do live drums as well. I’ve never been known to turn down a live drummer, so I gave him the go ahead.

Once everyone had contributed their parts, I sent the file stems to Tom Hellstens of TSTstudios (@Toveco) for both mixing and mastering. He likes the song very much and did a great job on his end.

So what started out as a joke, ended up a full blown community project!

Who knew? Lol…

The boys in the band:

Jakob Wark=inspiration!

Micheal Wark=Music, lyrics, and vocal.
Dan Knudsen=Music and vocal.
Scott Carmichael=Piano and bass guitar.
Bob Sperber=Slide lead guitar.
Steve Scaustrita=Live drums.

Heartfelt thanks goes out to all “the iBandstand Happy Hour Caterwaulers” for that rousing final Chorus!

@Scorpius (Danielle)
@alanatomic (Ilana)
@Scaustrita (Steve)
@Dyl (Dyl & Petra)
@jgurner (Joseph)
@Venturesome (Mark)
@Grathy (Mary)
@Sociallite1957 (Joyce)
@Telemetry (Ray)
@Smileygeezer (Shaun)
@StanTheManLoh (Stan)

—You folks ROCK!


Released: 20-Aug-2024
Category: Country
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 10.7 Mb
Plays: 40
Downloads: 4
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed

(Mike & Dan)
This is a song for everyone, under the sun;
—a song for when you’re feelin’ blue, or out havin’ fun.
—for whilin’ away the hours, in your dreary day.
This is a song for everyone,
so let it play…

Some days ya eat the bear, somedays it eats you!
Can’t get a leg up, no matter what you do.
Don’t let it get you down, when things turn out wrong.
Puff out your chest, burst into song…

(Mike & Dan)
This is a song for everyone, under the sun;
—a song for when you’re feelin’ blue, or out havin’ fun.
—for whiling away the hours, in your dreary day.
This is a song for everyone,
so let it play…

The road of life is full of twists and turns.
Can’t tell which path to take, which path to spurn.
When every choice before you seems double-pronged,
Take a step back, burst into song…

(Mike & Dan)
This is a song for everyone, under the sun;
—a song for when you’re feelin’ blue, or out havin’ fun.
—for whiling away the hours, in your dreary day.
This is a song for everyone,
so let it play…

All things considered, it’s quite plain to see;
we’re not alone in life’s menagerie.
When hard times come, they won’t seem so long;
(Mike & Dan)
if we band together, and sing a song:

Final Chorus
(iBandstand Happy Hour Caterwaulers)
This is a song for everyone, under the sun;
—a song for when you’re feelin’ blue, or out havin’ fun.
—for whiling away the hours, in your dreary day.
This is a song for everyone,
so let it play…

(Mike & Dan)
This is a song for everyone,
so let it play…
Definitely a song for everyone! Such a fun tune and an impressive line-up (especially there at the end if I do say so myself). 
Alwasy so much fun to take part in something like this. Thanks for asking me Mike!
Latest song: Got To Be Free!
5 months ago
Thanks Joseph! This was a lot of fun for me too. 
I just realized this is the first song I ever wrote that I don't play one single instrument on! Lol...
I originally played acoustic guitar, but deleted it because Scott and Bob so nailed the music!
Perhaps I should have titled it "A Song For Everyone Else"! 
Mike, this is a HUGE collaboration. And such a great moment with you all. Thanks for including me and Petra in this wild last chorus. Maybe it's the perfect opportunity to thank YOU Mike for being so positive, for your energy and your commitment for this site. You're always supportive and i know this soooo appreciated. Now, where's my beer ?
5 months ago
So much fun!
Thanks for the invitation.
5 months ago
Wonderful collab Mike, Dan & Co 
This is huge ...
Lovely music and vocals 
Thanks for sharing 
5 months ago
Such a fun gathering.
Latest song: I Talk Too Much
5 months ago
Ha! Fun & cheers!
5 months ago
Glad to have been a part of this collaboration. Nice work everyone.
Latest song: Superhero
5 months ago
You are too kind Dyl. Many thanks to you and Petra for participating!
Yes! FUN is exactly what this track is supposed to be Steve!
So glad to have had you on board...
Thanks Omar. Glad you enjoyed this. 
I only wish I could have worked EVERYONE in. Doesn't seem possible or practical though... LOL!
Thank you Mary. I really appreciate your willingness to participate in this tongue-in-cheek song. The final chorus wouldn't be the same without you!
Hey Bob, thanks so much for your EXCELLENT slide guitar work. It fits the tune like a glove!
Thank you Shaun for joining in on that final chorus of caterwaulers! Getting so many fellow ibandstanders in the same room (as it were) was a real HOOT!
This is another of those foortappers you have the talent of creating Mike .... Love the image as its the double of an old fella I walked past most evenings whom was sat outside a local pub.... Great vocals and this filled me with happiness
Latest song: UPlift
5 months ago
How fun!  Happy to be a part of the Caterwaulers.  You guys did a great job, congrats!
5 months ago
Thanks so much Dave! 
I think the foot-tapping thing comes from my folk roots... At least I think so.
So glad this gave you happy feelings!
Dear Danielle, I am so glad you joined in on the fun. I only wish there was a way to mix 20 vocalists so each one could be heard distinctly. Unrealistic I guess... Still, Tom was able to do it far better than I would have.
Thanks again... Wishing you all the best!
Wow !  What a cool collaboration Mike. That's the most "country Mike" that i've ever heard...Yee haw ! 
5 months ago
"Country Mike & The Fish"? NAW...
You're right though. I've only done a couple country style songs. Really not my thing...
Glad you got a kick outta this one Don!
Thanks Dorothy. I originally did "Rockin' The Mac" for the Macjams community. 
I view this song as kind of a theme for ibandstand. That's why I wanted to get as many folk as I could involved.
Glad you like it my friend!
Very singable, attractive pub like song! I enjoyed listening to the final product. Glad to have chipped in at the end.
Latest song: The Door
5 months ago
@Wyndsok  Thanks for making me a small part of this-I don't often get the chance to play nice with others
5 months ago
Stan my man, thanks for climbing aboard!
Glad you enjoyed the finished product...
Well my dear brother, many thanks for joining in there at the end. 
Would not have been the same without you!
A song for everyone where everyone's done right good with the song itself.   Real cool and tops.  
5 months ago
Thanks for pitching in Mark!
What a great happy song, Mike & Dan. I am very happy and privileged to have been invited to participate in the song. It was great fun! Thank you.
Latest song: Scarlet Ribbons
4 months ago
I'm so very glad you recovered from your ailment in time to join in my friend!
Bless you and stay healthy!
Yes!!! You are are talented gu!!!! Your composition in differen genres is very imoressive as you always have the "feel"!! Yiu also know how to use the best talent to create a"hit". like this one!! Very cool playing and singing!!!!
2 months ago
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