Music » Rock » TrebleFace » Song
Forbidden Passion
Song information
Reminiscing. When I was the young and the internet was even younger. I got online exploring on IRC and met her. She was much older and at the end of a marriage. I resisted and spersisted. The rest I do not regret.

Feedback welcome.
Released: 10-Sep-2024
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 9.2 Mb
Plays: 13
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 5
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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My ex wife and I seperated after many years together, I always said I would never love again BUT ( always a but lol ) I have remarried and she recently also remarried and I am so happy for her .. Love happens whether we want it or not lol ... Great song , and reminds me of the wonderful " Talking heads " ...Very much enjoyed this 👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
7 days ago
Yes totally agree with Sprout
Talking heads comes to mind 
And he is absolutely right 
We don't choose love chooses us 
Hope the right person finds you sooner than you know 😊🙏🏻🙌🏼
Latest song: Tunable Weed
7 days ago
Thank you @yoslounge @Sprout for the listen.  I'm curious to know which particular songs from the talking heads.  I only know their popular stuff which was great.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
7 days ago
My ex - I gave her the car and asked her to leave the microwave - she still took the microwave
I get a serious early Tokyo Police Club vibe
Canadian band from the bottom end of Ontario Canada around toronto suburbs
Nice work!
Latest song: Biding My Time
6 days ago
Loves one and loss… Haven't we all been there.
Latest song: Smile
6 days ago
Thanks for the listen @Grathy .  @BadstoneMusic Being from Ontario I will have to check out the Tokyo Police Club.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
6 days ago
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