Music » Rock » Toveco » Song
Perfect Storm (Remix)
Song information
A song from Scott Carmichael,
I just put my hand on :)
Released: 28-Oct-2023
Category: Rock
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 9.3 Mb
Plays: 19
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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I notice the difference. Take a good song ad a dash of Tom and done. Sweet.
Latest song: Chaos
11 months ago
:) Thanks Tom, I could not say it better myself
Just heard the original earlier. You did a very nice job again Tom
Latest song: Strange Love
11 months ago
here's the explanation... I've known Tom for some years now, and he's been tremendously helpful, Tom you know I give you credit for keeping me in the game when I had all but given up... so I was complaining about the drums on the original, not the drummer, I loved the parts that Ben Marino played... but I had recently had read how John Bonham got his drum sounds... so I was going thru this phase where I was just using 3 mics when Ben played this.... Kick and 2 overheads thru a great compressor... mistake... I ended up with drum tracks that really didn't fit the song or the mix... totally my fault... Anyway you know your way around and which tools to employ... this more than fixed it... I'll send you anything anytime...
11 months ago
Thank, a lot Kenneth :)
Scott This comment made my day! I'm so happy I could do anything for you. You make amazing music, and you soon be on my level if you use Mixbus every day ;) Thanks for letting me play with this great song! /Tom
Great mix Tom. Love it!!
11 months ago
Thank you deezee :)
Great song all around, I really like the harmonies in here.
11 months ago
Thanks, Dom! All credit goes to Scott on that! :)
great done guys! =)
11 months ago
Thank you morfadrena! :)
Once again, you show you really know how to do a song justice. I gotta say, when I heard the mandolins at the beginning, Jethro Tull immediately came to mind.
Latest song: University
10 months ago
Thank you Venturesome, I do like this song a lot too :)
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